Carbon Neutral
100% Carbon Neutral
As a family owned company, we believe nature and science go harmoniously hand in hand together.
Since the 1940s, we have been striving to have the lowest carbon footprint possible. Although we have consistently tried to improve our carbon footprint, measuring our philosophy has been difficult to date. Nevertheless, it is our ongoing mission to protect, respect and save our nature and resources for many generations to come. With ClimatePartner, we are incredibly excited to launch our carbon neutral initiative and share this new milestone with you.
Philip Jung
General Manager of North America
The Carbon Emergency
Greenhouse gases trap heat and make the planet warmer, leading to catastrophic weather events. Human activities are almost entirely the reason for the increase in atmospheric greenhouse gases over the last 150 years. The largest source of greenhouse gas emissions from human activities is from burning fossil fuels for electricity, heat and transportation.
Carbon dioxide is the most significant long-lived greenhouse gas in Earth’s atmosphere. Since the Industrial Revolution anthropogenic emissions – primarily from use of fossil fuels and deforestation – have rapidly increased its concentration in the atmosphere, leading to global warming.
Why Become Carbon Neutral?
By definition, carbon neutral (or carbon neutrality) is the balance between emitting carbon and absorbing carbon emissions. This can be achieved by reducing our energy consumption and offsetting the remainder with reforestation projects.
When we overload the atmosphere with harmful chemicals, it can’t function properly and as a result, the air begins to heat up. Carbon neutrality is vital if we want to stop and prevent climate change. Furthermore, it provides an opportunitity for entities, organizations and individuals to be accountable.
What is a Carbon Offset Project?
Carbon offset projects make a decisive contribution to combating global warming by demonstrably saving greenhouse gases. These projects can take the form of forest conservation, reforestation or the development of renewable energy. In addition, carbon offset projects promote sustainable development in the project countries, for example by improving access to clean drinking water, expanding local infrastructure, creating jobs or preserving biodiversity.
Our Commitment
La Biosthétique Paris has proudly teamed up with ClimatePartner to take control, action and support the health of our environment. Today, we pride ourselves on being one of the first international family owned beauty companies that is carbon neutral. From research to manufacturing, products to packaging, and from offices to academies around the world, we are actively doing our part to make a difference. Wherever possible, we have improved our energy consumptions, initiated new processes, upgraded equipment to reduce our carbon footprint and continue to use renewable energy wherever possible.
Our Mission
La Biosthétique’s strategy to approach climate neutrality in five steps:
We have now offset
101,043 kg of C02
Who is ClimatePartner?
Over the past 14 years, ClimatePartner has established a growing network of climate neutral companies across 35 counties - with 120 employees and over 3,000 corporate customers around the world.
With a goal to correctly measure climate neutrality, ClimatePartner is actively reducing and offsetting greenhouse emissions wherever possible by providing climate neutral certification to companies and products that are measured and certified by international bodies.
Madre de Dios forest protection project
Where there is remaining carbon that could not be reduced within our company, we are compensating these emissions by supporting the Madre de Dios forest protection project, in Peru. This project protects over 100,000 hectares of Amazon rainforest as well as supports the habitat for endangered animals and plant species. The project further supports Indigenous tribes and economic alternatives to deforestation. Madre de Dios is VCS and CCBS Gold Level certified.